Sunday, August 19, 2007

"The Grandaddy of Em All"

This piece is different from my usual because the border and the ground work are the only mosaic/grouted portions. The tree trunk is painted with glass enamels and some additional glass is added to the surface to show dimension. A dichroic sun has been added to the back of the piece and shows through the tree as deep red. That is the reason for the orange and golden leaves on the tree in that area. Because the sun is dichroic and the lighting wasn't at the right angle you are unable to see it in the photos. The leaves on the tree are dimensional glass shards added to the surface of the background glass. Because the background is clear, you see a flagpole and tree in the background on the right. They are not part of the glass image. This piece is framed in cedar and measusres 20"tall and 28" wide. It will be displayed at Artisans of Rocky Hill Gallery in Fredericksburg, Texas.

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