Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Evolution of a Commission Piece

I have never really taken photos of a piece during the process of being made and since I get questions about my methods - here are photos of the process. I begin with a vague pattern of the image area based on my discussion with the client. Once I begin to work on a piece sometimes the image changes. I really consider my process to be "painting" with glass. I use both new and vintage stained glass, vintage rhinestones and crystals, polished semi-precious stones, etc. All of the pieces of glass are attached to the background glass and once the image area is complete it is grouted. The final photo shows the completed piece although the sun was directly overhead and there is not a realistic depiction of the light coming through the glass.


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    As always .... beautiful!!

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    i agree your idea ! very nice blog

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    After reading the information, I may have different views, but I do think this is good BLOG!

  4. Hands down the most beautiful mosaics. So, different from everything else i see. How does one learn to do techniques like yours?
