Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Almost Sunset"

This is another multi-layer piece with a traditional mosaic border. It measures approximately 11"x14" and can be displayed on an easel. There are 5 layers of glass in the distant hills. The oak tree and the larger yuccas are on the top surface glass (along with the mosaic border) and the distant yuccas and sun are on an additional layer that is spaced about 1/4" behind that . The hills are created with a couple of other layers added to the back of that layer. It is frustrating because the various layers and depth do not show in photos. Because I use a lot of iridized and metallic colors there also tends to be a lot of glare in the photos.


  1. Your work is jaw dropping beautiful. It is so unique. What kind of glue do you use for most of your projects? Mosaic artists never cease to amaze me with all the new methods and materials.I'll keep checking in on new projects.

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