I thought that I would take a few moments today to discuss some of my tips for grouting success. This is another 36 x 24 window and is similar to several others that I have made in the past. On this one I used even more beads and rhinestones which I think adds to the beauty of the piece but can cause nightmares during the grouting process. Because the beads and rhinestones are all differnt levels they add a lot of dimension and texture to the piece and really catch the light but grout is difficult to clean on these uneven surfaces.
After I remove as much grout as possible with the popscicle stick I then use paper towels to buff the rest off the surface of the piece. This can take quite a long time if the surface is very textured and in our Texas heat the grout dries faster than I like sometimes so I work as quickly as possible. As the piece is getting clean I sometimes use a dry toothbrush to remove grout from around the beads or rhinestones. Although I have been doing this process for several years now, I seem to make it harder on myself each time by using such a variety of materials. I am conviced that is what makes the pieces unique and I always like a challenge!
If you are planning on using rhinestones and beads for the first time I would encourage you to start small and good luck!
This is the finished window.....
I have just gotten started in mosaics and I am already fascinated by the different techniques and uses of materials by other artists; your blog is the first I've come across where I see beads and rhinestones used. Your projects are lovely and as a Texas girl myself, I particularly like this piece. Thank you for sharing your methods and creativity!